4-Day Blood Sugar FIX

Why does my blood sugar go up one time and go down another time… even when I’m eating the same food?

I was lying on a bed in a French emergency room… dying.

I wasn't able to explain why I couldn’t hardly move or that I’m about to die from low blood sugar…

Because the doctors didn’t speak English. 

A terrifying thought ran through my mind…

I’m not going to make it. I’m about to die. Oh man… I’m too young…

The worst part? I was in a foreign country and alone…

I couldn’t tell the doctors what was wrong…

And my blood sugar was trending below 40.

Clawing for my life, I stuffed down bread… old candies… airplane snacks… anything I could get my hands on. 

I was desperate to bring my blood sugar back up. 

In that moment, the feeling of being stuck, lost, and alone sunk in. 

That day was one of the lowest moments of my life...

Yet today, I’m extreeeemely thankful it happened, because it took me on a journey that led to the BIGGEST discovery in my life.

What I’m about to share with you is how I totally fixed my roller coaster blood sugar issues, despite being a type 1 diabetic…

And it can do the same for you, so long as you're insulin dependent like me.

This 4 Day Blood Sugar Fix shows you how to control your glucose levels and keeps them in range for longer than you've even seen...

Even if you have the highest A1C in your lifetime.

Even if you can't stop yourself from eating diabetic no-no’s.

Even if you have developed insulin resistance and can't seem to get off the blood sugar roller coaster.

Best of all, you can fix your blood sugar levels in 4 days without being required to follow a specific exercise routine or restrictive diet full of bland foods. 

This is the method I’ve personally taught 128 people and counting to fix their blood sugars.


Being able to walk out your front door and do anything you want with the day.

Go out to eat again and have no fear of what is on your plate...

Imagine finally doing the activities you've been avoiding because they'd make your blood sugar go bananas...

What would a fully confident day like this feel like?

What would you do first?

This could be you in 4 Days or less (if you make the changes)...

Hey there, it’s Matt and I’m so happy you are on this page right now.

I’ve been coaching insulin-dependent diabetics (like myself) for the last 4 and 1/2 years…

And I have personally helped over 128 diabetics achieve in-range blood sugars with my direct help and guidance.

I’m starting a case study for 100 people that want to learn how to sleep through the night…

Eat foods your endo or doctors wouldn’t recommend…

And how to enjoy physical activities that you had to give up or currently struggle with…

All of this, by predicting and controlling your blood sugar. 

And here’s the secret…

What you will learn if you join this case study is to overcome ONE question I get from just about every coaching client that comes to me…

“Why is it that when I eat the same food my blood sugar does something different every time?”

Because over the last 3 years…

And through personally coaching over 128 people to predictably control blood sugars...

That question above is what inspired me to start this 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix for people without them having to spend thousands of dollars…

Because I suffered from the same problem. I didn’t know what was going to happen to my blood sugars if I ate a cracker or meal out of place...

Or if I was going to struggle the rest of the day chasing my blood sugar.

I needed a way to figure out MY PERSONAL FIGHT with diabetes… and not be the victim of poor advice that doesn’t work for me...

When I was finally able to understand the ‘Secret To MY Blood Sugar Madness’...

It was like the red sea parted and showed me the one true path to freedom (and then things began to make too much sense).

And surprisingly, it isn’t just about eating the same thing every day…

It’s a SECRET that no doc will tell you and no one has heard of until I shared it with my high-level coaching students who pay thousands of dollars

(You won’t have to pay that)

You see, the night I almost died in a French hospital bed was horrible…
That night brushing so close to death had me worried and fearing for my life…

Doubting that I would never live a fulfilled life, and only at the age of 27.

As I sat in the forgotten corner of the emergency room getting little to no help at all…

I did everything I could to get home back to California to be with my wife and family.

Finally after 4 HOURS and eating everything I could get my hands on (and emptying my emergency "low snacks" stash)…

I was able to get up and walk out of the hospital, without a single doctor ever doing anything for me.

It seemed like a sad metaphor for what life is like with diabetes around "normal" people with "normal" blood sugar levels…

The doctors not only couldn’t understand what I was saying, but they didn’t even see anything wrong with me.

Because from the outside a diabetic like us looks "normal"…

We breathe, talk, and walk the same…

But give us the wrong food, or we go too long without insulin…

We turn into something that is hard to comprehend.

Needless to say, but if you have type 1 as well, it feels like you are alone.

Lost, Confused, And Weak From Being The Victim Of My Blood Sugar

Here was my problem… I had no clue what anything was going to do to my body.

I would take insulin, hope and pray I didn’t give myself too much…

Eat my meal and basically react to whatever happened with my blood sugars.

It would be like this day after day, month after month…

But If you know with certainty what happens to your blood sugar when you eat something, do a certain activity, or give yourself insulin… it makes life sooo much easier.

Wouldn't that be nice?

I struggled like that for years and all that pressure and stress came crashing down on me in France.

After I canceled everything on my trip and finally made it home…

I was depressed, and to put it plainly…

I had given up.

The hopelessness finally set in.

I would eat something, my blood sugar would skyrocket and then I would just wait it out.

Or I would fast for as long as humanly possible until I had no choice but to eat…

All to avoid the possibility of ever dipping that low ever again.

Until one day enough was enough.

I thought, “What would it take to figure out what my body needs to stay in range.

At this point in time, I was still deathly afraid of insulin…

Since that seemed to be the main culprit for my unnerving French hospital visit.

But then what I discovered was amazing…

One day I was back home in San Diego, CA after that horrible France trip…

And I was so lazy and depressed that I hadn’t gone grocery shopping for days… I didn’t even leave the house...

So all I had were some frozen dinners that my wife had bought weeks ago and that’s all I was eating.

I would eat, test my blood sugar and mope around…

And my blood sugar stayed in range.


I was eating and doing the same thing every day and my blood sugar was staying in range. I was surprised!

Wait... But WHY?

This never happened to me before, “How was I staying in range so easily?”

What was I doing to cause this sudden change in my reaction to food?

So I tried something no doctor or endocrinologist would ever recommend…

I turned into a scientist studying my own body.

I went and bought a handful of notebooks, a bunch of the same food…

And started doing ‘blood sugar trials’.

I was going to test my body and see what happened when I ate different things, and see what my blood sugar would do.

It didn’t matter if my blood sugar went sky high or dipped super-low…

I was going to figure it out.

So I started with eating the same thing every single day for a week straight…

And taking notes on everything…

I began to find a roadmap for what my body reacted to and where my blood sugar would go.

What certain foods made my blood sugar do…

What certain exercise made my blood sugar do...

It was like I caught lightning in a bottle.

And what I found is amazing…

Blood Sugar Is Not An Up And Down Line… It’s an equation that is unique to you!

And once uncovered after using my ‘Blood Sugar Trials’ you are left with 4 key factors.

This was my blood sugar after I ate Pizza at noon on Thursday…
This was my blood sugar after I ate Pizza at noon on Friday…
Sure they were different and from different days of the week.

But I did everything the exact same that Friday as I did Thursday, EXCEPT one thing...

I did some light weight lifting before I ate..

Now you are probably thinking, “Okay, yeah that slow drop after pizza makes sense you used energy so your body needed more sugar.”

Take a closer look… 

Friday had a higher starting blood sugar level, so that meant weight lifting made my blood sugar go up!

That one day during the week of my ‘Blood Sugar Trials’ I decided to introduce weight lifting into the mix and noticed a new pattern... 

I had learned there might be a "right" amount of carbs and/or insulin to stay in range…

I was told from the time of diagnosis that I would have to be careful with any physical activity because my blood sugar could drop rapidly…

Until I went to the gym did a few sets lifting weight and my blood sugar climbed.

I discovered that not everyone’s diabetes is equal… what drops your blood sugar could make mine rise!

I was shocked. Could it be possible with the right understanding of what happens to my body under certain circumstances…

Would I be able to keep myself in range?

So I did it the next day…

Did everything the same as Friday to tee on Saturday and look…

My blood sugar went up to almost the same level again (before noon).

It was like finally figuring out that the square peg fits in the square hole.

All you have to do is figure out what your body reacts to and how it’s going to react.

You can literally start predicting what your blood sugar is going to do before it happens

I was finally able to get back in the gym, drink sports drinks and really exert myself, and stay in range the entire time!

I even put this “method” to the test when I went to Hawaii.

My wife and I went diving off the coast, and I was able to know how my blood sugar would react (something I thought would never happen in my lifetime).
Then to really put my blood sugar to the test, my wife and I went white water rafting in Oregon just to see if my FIX would work there too…

And it did!

As you can see, keeping your blood sugar stable isn’t about eating the same thing over and over…

Doing the same exercise without changing it up...

Or living the same mundane day over and over without any spontaneity or fun...

You can truly thrive with diabetes... do what you want at any time, without fear of the unknown…

Because now you can predict what will happen based on prior experiences before, and know what to expect.

It sounds crazy, but when I started teaching this 4-Day Fix to coaching clients and they started coming back with…

Lower A1Cs…

Increased Time In Range...

More Freedom and Flexibility...
That’s when I knew it wasn't just a secret to my body I uncovered… it was the ONE THING everyone else was struggling with too.

This FIX is the reason for people being able to live their lives again.

Eat things like pizza, pasta, and other “diabetic kryptonite” again without the fear of a blood sugar nightmare.

Why does this 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix work so freaking well???

Because we discover what your body reacts to without the extreme lows and highs, or potential scary hospital visits.

This 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix gives you the freedom to eat what you want when you want and stay completely in range.

It’s so easy, that once you get going you start to immediately understand your body on a completely different level than ever before.

Eat pizza, have dessert and never have a dramatic spike in blood sugar…

You don’t need to be a mathematician figuring out a special “formula” of insulin, food, and activity you need…

No, you simply just need to know what and how your body is going to react to different blood sugar variables.

This 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix works even if you have insulin resistance…

Even if you have never been able to eat certain foods without bad spikes in blood sugar…

Or, even if you have never had an A1C lower than 6 or 7.

Without ever having to risk going too low…

Without having to cut certain foods out of your diet for good (like pasta, pizza, ice cream… basically anything your doctor told you not to eat)...

And, without ever having to miss another event or outing again because you don’t know what your blood sugar will do…

The best part is your Blood Sugar Mysteries can be solved in 4-Days TOTAL!

What you learn in the 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix…

My 4P Method - Learn the 4 Ps Of An In-Range Blood Sugar

P #1: The Present 

What can you do to fix your current blood sugar level…

We will uncover the mystery of your blood sugar issue the moment it happens.

In this lesson, I’ll give you ways to fix a trending blood sugar that is out of range…

And how to do it quickly so you can get back to living life and doing what you want…

No more sitting on the “sidelines” or staying home wishing you were able to do something with family or friends.

P #2: The Past

What led up to this blood sugar to do what it did?

In this lesson, we figure out what your body reacts to, WHY it reacted that way, and what you can expect for the future...

P #3: The Prediction

In lesson 3 of the 4P method, this is where you learn to manage your blood sugar in the future.

This is how you start eating and doing things you haven’t been able to…

Living fearless of the obstacles that used to give your blood sugar issues.

P #4: The Plan

Lesson 4 of the 4P method will allow you to plan out your blood sugar way into the future…

This is how my clients and I are able to achieve days, and even weeks completely in range…

All while doing things your doctor would never recommend you do…

If this sounds unbelievable, you are right…

But this is what Dan F. had to say about his blood sugar after learning this 4P method.

Included With Your In-Range Blood Sugar Investment Today Is Also…

As a free bonus, and since you will be learning about a revolutionary new approach to T1D in all 4 lessons…

You will be given a free coaching call with me!

Normally people pay thousands for custom coaching like this over an 8-week span…

But when you join today, included with your 4 Blood Sugar lessons that you will have lifetime access to refer back to…

You will also get a FREE 20 Minute Bonus Coaching Call to put the pieces together into a custom plan…

The best part is you won’t be paying thousands… Or even 1K today…

I just mentioned this but people pay TOP DOLLAR for 8 weeks of diabetes and blood sugar coaching with me…

You will get all the clarity and understanding, but you won’t have to pay near that amount (plus you can go at your own pace)…

You won’t even have to pay $997…

To achieve your 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix will ONLY be $497

And if you don’t experience any change at all in 60 days… I’ll personally send you a check for the entire program of $500 (an extra $3)…

PLUS, you can keep the videos!

All you have to do is on your free coaching call tell me why the lessons didn’t help you and how there was no way for you to implement anything from the program.

Show me the work you tried to implement, why it didn't work, and I'll refund you.

Simple as that.

That's how confident I am that this program will change your life with diabetes. 

Let's think about it...

How much would you invest to be able to go to sleep tonight with 0 chance of low or high blood sugar while you sleep?

What would you invest for the ability to go for a walk or bike ride with no fear or concern for your blood sugar???

Ultimately priceless, for that kind of peace of mind, right?

Especially if you have been frustrated with diabetes for a long time like I was.

And once you join and start your 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix and get started on how to start solving troubling blood sugars immediately…

The first lesson is all about how to fix an out-of-range blood sugar quickly and even before it happens...

I will walk through an even better process than the "15-minute rule" for low treatments that we all know…

You know... eat some sugar, wait 15 minutes, and see if it was enough…

I’ll show you how to know exactly what it takes to stop blood sugar from trending in the wrong direction before it even starts...

Even if you still use finger sticks or have a CGM.

A perfect example is when I was out with my wife shopping before our baby was born.

*Beep, Beep*... Yep, that was my insulin pump running out while out and not even able to give me a full dose…

I was able to finish our trip out of the house…

Come home, take more insulin while refilling my pump…

And even go on a bike ride and stay in range the entire time using ‘4P method’ in the 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix!

Once you figure out how to effectively CONTROL your blood sugars, the world opens up again…

You no longer have to say no to pizza, cake, or pasta…

You no longer have to wait off to the side or stay home while your family goes and experiences things together…

You become your own blood sugar conductor, deciding where and when they go up or down.

And like I mentioned before, IF you don’t experience a single change at all in 60 days…

All you have to do is tell me personally what happened, show the work you did to implement it and I’ll give you the money back.

But remember there are only 100 spots available for this opportunity (I can only handle 100 at a time because I get on a coaching call with each one)...

So there are 2 options…

You can say NO which is completely OKAY… Not everyone is prepared to take control of their blood sugars.

If you are okay with not eating pasta, pizza, or other diabetic “no-nos”…

If going on walks, bike rides or activities isn’t something you want to do…

If you don't mind frustrating "out of range" blood sugars...

Then fixing your blood sugar is something you should wait on.

But you should know with this secret alone, I can eat pizza (and stay in range)…

Go on hikes and bike rides (and stay in range)…

And do everything I thought would never be possible with T1D.

See, you could live your life locked up and restricted, missing out on a “normal” life…

OR, you could join and solve your blood sugar problems in 4 days!

You’ll be eating what you want, when you want…

And while I don’t recommend this… if you needed/wanted to go for a walk or run but had just given yourself insulin, you now have the flexibility and know-how to do that and stay in range.

You will figure out what it takes to sleep through the night with no jumps or dips in blood sugar levels…

And my personal favorite… FREEDOM.

You get your Freedom back….

No longer feeling left out or held back by your blood sugars.

And if you don’t experience a single positive change…

If nothing changes with your blood sugar, sleep, reaction to certain foods…

If nothing happens at all in 60 days…

All you have to do is to come to me and let me know and I’ll give you a full refund.

As long as you are in the first 100 people to join…

Thank you for reading this and taking the time to read about my story…

I never thought one day I would be able to share my story and the stories of my coaching students…

And show people that diabetes isn’t something that has to control your life.

Even if we don’t end up working together I hope and wish you the best.

A couple questions I get before people join:

FAQ: Will I have to do tons of changes to my diet if I join the 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix?

Answer: NO. You can eat what you want, whenever you want. There are no limitations with this at all.

FAQ: Do you have to have free time to go through the program?

Answer: If you can sit down and watch TV for 20 minutes a day… you can easily do this without a problem

FAQ: I work a full-time job and have other commitments. Will I have to give up things to participate?

Answer: You don’t have to change your schedule at all. Everything in the program is made to be watched and completed in less than 20-30 minutes a day, at your own pace. 

FAQ: I haven’t been able to ride my bike in years, are you going to help do that?

Answer: The 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix has helped people not only enjoy the physical activities they love again, but I’ll personally get on our coaching call and walk you through how to do whatever you want again!

FAQ: Is there a difference between your 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix and your high-level coaching program?

Answer: Yes. My high-level coaching is in the thousands. The 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix is only $497. The major difference in the 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix is that you get all the info through videos that you can do at your own pace, and you won't have to stay on track through an 8-week coaching program. My high-level program is a custom blueprint where I personally hold your hand through the entire process. 

FAQ: What happens when I finish the 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix?

Answer: Once you finish all the lessons, you and I will get on the included coaching call. That’s where I’ll walk you through how to adjust everything you learned in the course to your lifestyle.

FAQ: What happens after I buy?

Answer: You will be guided to a page to create a membership to the video library. From there you can watch the lessons at your own pace and schedule your 1 on 1 coaching call with me when it's most convenient.

FAQ: Why is the 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix $497?

Answer: Not everyone is ready to invest thousands of dollars to join my high-level coaching program and I want you to see immediate success, even if you don’t directly work with me right away. My estimated coaching call rate is $500/call. In the 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix you get access to multiple hours of step-by-step content as well as a 20 minute coaching call with me to customize your plan (a combined value at way more than $497).

FAQ: Will the 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix really “fix” my blood sugar?

Answer: The phrase “you get out of it what you put into it” rings true for this program. If you follow everything I tell you to do… like taking note of the different blood sugar variables, seeing how they affect you, and actually implementing the strategies you learn... I promise you will be able to see significantly more certainty and stability in your blood sugar levels. 

FAQ: Will the 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix work if I have an A1C over 8?

Answer: I have used this same fix to work on someone that had an A1C of 10.7 and got them down to 5.5. It doesn’t matter where you start, this really works.

FAQ: Will the 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix work if my blood sugars are in range less than 40-50% of the time?

Answer: I work with diabetics in every situation. And I have personally seen the “blood sugar fix” help someone with such erratic blood sugar levels that doctors had previously given up on them. If you're ready to put in the work, this is the best solution for you.

FAQ: Will I have access to your 80/20 blood sugar formula?

Answer: Yes and no. In this program, I will show you what you need to know to discover your own formula for yourself using what I learned in the years that it took for me to create my formula. Like I said before, you get out of it what you put into it. I won't be fully customizing it for you personally (that is something people pay me thousands of dollars to do for them) but I will show you everything you need to know to do it for yourself. Bonus, you get an included 20 minute call when you buy this right now. This way, you can ask me questions on your 1 to 1 coaching call to help guide you in the process.

So what are you waiting for?

Click that button below to get your blood sugars FIXED!

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